
Pool financing is heating up. Time to get started on your Pool Loan.

Posted on 16 Sep 2013 By Brandon Perry
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` It is only January but the pool financing requests are through the roof already. This time last year we were just getting started on the new year but we are already in full steam ahead mode for 2013. I think a lot of people that were on the fence about getting a pool last season are getting an early jump on their pool financing and don’t want to miss a single day of swimming pool time this Spring, Summer and Fall. I highly recommend that if you are considering a new pool and need pool financing you should get the ball rolling as soon as possible. The dealers will be very busy and their schedule is probably starting to fill up as I write this. Don’t delay…put your loan application in today. We are here to help you with your unsecured pool loans.
About the Author:

Pool financing is heating up. Time to get started on your Pool Loan.

Brandon Perry is the Founder and President of AMS Financial Solutions, Inc a consumer finance company serving the home improvement, swimming pool, medical & Dental, Travel and Wedding industries since 2004. AMS partners with thousands of service providers in these verticals to offer a variety of financing programs to their customers. You can find Brandon on Google+ , Twitter , LinkedIn and Facebook . Brandon is an industry expert on consumer finance and has been featured on these topics in many industry trade journals, forums and round tables. Brandon Perry

Posted on 16 Sep 2013 by Brandon Perry

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Tags: pool financing , pool loans , swimming pool financing , swimming pool loan ,

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